Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chippewa Boots

Regardless of what type of rider you are, a good pair of riding boots is a necessity.  

Chippewa Boots was founded in 1901 and quickly became a leader in outdoor footwear. They now offer a very wide selection of quality boots including: Logger, hiking, snake boots, engineer and harness boots.

At Strokers Dallas, we offer Chippewa’s Street Warrior series including the engineer, harness and rally lines. These boots provide the very best in rugged performance, safety, durability and comfort. To make it even better they are also handcrafted in the U.S.A.

Strokers is open eight days a week so come on in so we can get you fitted for your new pair of boots. They come in a wide range of sizes and widths to ensure that perfect fit! If you are interested in a boot out of Chippewa's Rugged outdoor, field or IQ (industrial Quality) lines we can assist you as well. Special orders only take a few days to arrive. See ya soon!!

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